Wednesday 28 November 2012

Air Condition Fends Off Mosquito While Producing Cool Air

A new LG air conditioner aims to help Malaria-affected regions of Africa by fending off mosquitoes, while emitting cool air.
It’s called the “Anti-Mosquito” air conditioner, and according to the company, it can deter an average of 64% of mosquitoes within 24 hours of use. Overall, it can fend off around 82%, the company said.
The air conditioner uses ultra-sonic wave technology to emit a sound unbearable to mosquitoes — sort of like an anti-dog whistle. It’s also designed with a Super Automatic Voltage Switcher to guard against fluctuating power and unexpected blackouts; the Super AVS also helps protect the compressor, too, from things such as excessive heat and dust build-ups.
The targeted species is the female Anopheles mosquito, which often transmits malaria throughout the continent. According to the World Health Organization, malaria caused an estimated 655,000 deaths in Africa in 2010.
But there’s still no word yet on how, or when, the air conditioners will be distributed.

1 comment:

  1. Air conditioners are an essential part of households, especially in those locations which are subjected to the extremes of temperature. An air conditioner can be compared to a refrigerator in its function except that the former is devoid of the insulation.

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