Friday 28 December 2012

Worlds Tallest Teen And Her Lover

Meet the world's tallest teen Elisany da Cruz Silva, 17. She's 6ft 8in tall, and her boyfriend  Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho, 22, is 5ft 4in tall.
According to Francinaldo,
 "My friends say things like, How do you hug her?. I say, There’s a way of doing everything"

Elisany on the other hand, had to quit school because of segregation and teasing from other students, but she’s happy now with Francinaldo. She said:
"What really attracted me was his personality, the way he acts with people and the way he acts with me.
"The only thing that really affects us is when we hang out holding hands  it seems like he is my little brother or son."
Another photo after the cut... 

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